Saturday, April 12, 2008

The batch of 2006 - Biotech

I talked to an old batchmate yesterday. I am currently sitting in LA clearing courses for yet another pointless degree and he is living in Delhi, preparing for what could potentially be his last shot at the civil services exam.

Our conversation began typically by catching up on the general stuff- the time difference, the weather and the locations. We then led it one of my favorite discussions - where are our batchmates nowadays?! Just like any batch of any department in IIT, we have spread far and wide and it is always a pleasure to take into account the location and state of each of them. I am tempted to list them out one by one but maybe not. However, its interesting to observe that putting all of together, we span a very wide range of careers indeed. On one extreme are those who loved the feild and decided to pursue it even further- Shikhar and Saksham. On the other extreme are those who didnt like it all and chose to break free - Abhinav, Akshun and Aashima. Then there are those who justify their association to the department and hang on by thin threads - Rachna, Rohit, Baser, Khanna and Chandu. The other varieties include the management gurus- Sandy, Teddy and Vicksy. Then there are those who prefer drilling oil on a rig to doing experiments in the lab, such as Harry. And of course, the big miscellaneous category, the ones who are treating life as one big laboratory, working away on experiments to test themselves and test life in general - Aathira, LMJ and me.

I know that I didnt cover all 26 of us but the point is that people take on different roads which head in different directions. For those who know each other, get in touch and update yourselves on each other's whereabouts.