Saturday, September 13, 2008

Fat slobs

I made a long journey from LA to San Jose yesterday. A bus journey. The mode of transport is worth mentioning since only the poor travel in the bus in California. That includes fat slobs, dirty black rappers and students. The journey usually takes 7 hours. Its better during the day since you get to see the changing landscape as the bus inches through the barren stretches of LA to greener agricultural feilds and then back to the barreness of San Jose. However, I did not get a chance to enjoy all that. I was, alas, travelling in the night. 

Sitting with my head popped against the window, I let my eyes wander towards my fellow passengers. Sitting right next to me was a big white slob of fat, so fat that her belly and her boobs tried to match each other in their expanse. Across the aisle was another specimen of digested burgers and fries - black instead of white. I also noticed a variety of heads in the seats ahead of me but they are not important to the discussion. So as I sit and watch these two fat ladies, I try to make sense of the emotions within me towards them. Based on the way I describe their free flowing bodies, I figured that disgust was the most prominent of all the emotions that I felt. However, thinking it through, I questioned myself whether it was the only emotion I felt. Did I not feel pity too? Pity for the poor, hapless dumb people in this country, and the ones that were travelling with me in the bus. After all, it takes a fair amount of intelligence and self control to cook right, to eat right and stay healthy. Do I really think, with all the cheap,greasy and easy food around, people with the intelligence equal to that of a door-knob would choose anything but that to eat? Are the people who dont even know the state KFC comes from capable of making such 'high-level' decisions? I dont think so. So am I justified in being disgusted by them? I guess not. 

I still am though


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