Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A bunch of people for each past-time

As I read the works of great non-fiction writers, I am amazed at their ability to quote great peices of literature that they have read and been inspired from.

It is important to find people that share an interest, otherwise the interest is very likely to wither away. I want to call someone to talk to him/her about a glorious book that I am reading, but the notepad on my laptop will have to be the unglamorous recepient of my thoughts.

Finding people who will like to curl up with a book and a mug of coffee are plentiful. I guess we just need to open our  cards and probably we will find a match.

The only problem is that one needs to differentiate between people who do things and people who want to do those things. Unless you are the kind that wants to educate and enlighten others, the former is the type that you should be looking for.

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