Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sharing an apartment ...

Sharing an apartment with bachelors is sharing an apartment with bachelors, whether you are straight out of an engineering school or of a business school.

The cleaning lady comes at 8am, cleans the utensils. The cook comes in at 9am and dirties all of them. The filthy utensils lie all day until evening when the cook returns and selectively cleans a few for the evening dinner. The newly dirty, and the previously dirty ones sit overnight in a clogged sink discussing indian politics.

No one wants or cares to register for cooking gas. Instead, we subscribe to cylinders twice the price and four-fifth the standard quantity.

Everyone likes to download movies and stream movies all the time, clogging the bandwidth for others.

One of us likes to micromanage and tease the cleaning lady for the extra 200 bucks (50 per person charge to us, mind you) of pay.

One of us complains of people being irresponsible and inconsiderate, but chooses to leave his crumpled pile of clothes in the living room.

Some of us wash our clothes only to realize that the clothesline is already full with someone else's damp clothes.

One of us doesn't believe in polythenes (Rs 2 per polybag is expensive it seems), so prefers to throw wet garbage directly in the plastic dustbin for it to rot and stick to the bottom.

One of us wants home-cooked food at all times, some of us want it two times a day, and some dont want to go through the hassle at all.

One of us has a voice of a fog horn and chooses to exercise his vocal chords at 2 in the night.

Payment of water, electricity and other utilities falls through the cracks. No one chooses to take responsibility for after all, there are 3 others who might.

And there is so much more ....

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