Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Conversation ?!

How important is conversation ?!! What is the reason behind it ? Why did it develop ? Has it evolved with society? Was there a need for it to evolve or has it just grown beyond control?

I dont get it ! I really dont get it ! As far as I understand, it grew as a medium to convey important information to each other. But as it appears, with an evolving social structure, the reason behind it has distorted beyond proportion.

There are three types of conversations (according to someone). The worst kind of conversations are the ones in which you discuss about other people. Then come the conversations where you discuss about other events. Finally come the conversations where you discuss about issues. As you would expect, the level of entertainment associated which each type of conversation follows the exact opposite order. But still, the point is that normally, there are reasons behind a conversation. However, the more I see around me, the more I find conversations without any purpose at all. The only purpose I see is to pass time.

Yes, that is what it has evolved into. A medium to pass time. And it is such a pleasurable way to do so that people indulge in it without realising that it is actually an indulgence. You eat to much of chocolate, you lose precious health. You indulge in too much of conversation, you lose precious time. And its not just the time you're having the conversation that you lose but also the time spent thinking about it afterwards. What can you do in that time? Well, if you dont have anything else to do, at least you can spend that time finding other stuff to do.

Having said that, I dont deny the importance of conversation. It is probebly its regular supply that keeps us sane and social. In solitary confinement, which is one of the highest degrees of punishment, that is what you take away. All Im saying is that it should not turn into a hobby!

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