Sunday, December 30, 2007

Is it that hard to feign an occasional conversation...

I want to blame somebody .... dont you get the feeling sometimes that everyone seems to be right but there is something very wrong with what is going on?

People just move on. Its not they are doing anything better. They would like to believe that they are a step above what their parents were but they are not. Maybe its the case with us, or maybe its universal. You find a companion, you settle, your cute talks and your desires to have idle conversation is fulfilled by your partner. So much so that its painful when you have to talk to your parents. Why is it that hard? I can imagine that to be the case if all you do in your routine life is to have intellectual conversations. But thats not true! You can spew forth the most asinine drivel and make-believe stuff when you talk to your gf/spouse but when it comes to your mom and dad, you cant come up with a single interest topic of conversation!?

And that is why it becomes a difficult situation. Who do you blame? The girl who married Mr. X and thus directed the meaningless drivel towards herself or the guy who wants to talk and spend time with the girl he loves? Neither, right! Maybe people should blame the parents then! They are the ones who sit at home waiting for a small stupid, meaningless conversation with their children. Why do they do that !? Dont they realize that they are putting too much pressure on the young souls of their offsprings?

What is even more heart-wrenching is the happiness you see on their faces when you do talk to them. You can see them begging for more but satisfying themselves with what little they get. Its like the letter which 'Bruce Willis' in 'Sin City' gets every week from the little girl. It is his only piece of joy, his only ray of light. And then suddenly, the letters stop! And similarly, one day the conversation stops.

I want to blame someone.......

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