Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The true expression of oneself - disease induced

I saw a new episode of 'House' today. It is a series set in a US hospital in which an eccentric yet brilliant doctor, Dr. Gregory House, chases down a medical mystery during the entire length of an episode and finally solves it just in the nick of time to the amazement and gratification of the supporting cast. 

In this episode, the patient suffers from a disease that renders his speech involuntary. As a result, he cannot stop himself from saying things that he would otherwise have kept to himself. I had read the description of the episode before watching it and even though I did think of it as an interesting plot, the ways in which this disease manifested itself was hilarious.

The patient is waiting for his MRI and a hot doctor enters the room. The guy says, "Oh my god! You are so hot! I just want to rip your clothes off and dip you in chocolate so that I can lick it off you later". Next scence - he covers his face and says in a muffled voice "I am so sorry for saying that!". Next scence, a senior doctor, also hot, enters. The guy goes "Oh my god! You are even hotter! I would definitely do you! I would do you both, but given a choice, I will do you first!". Next scence, he says "Please dont throw me out". Awesome !

However, on a serious note, the situation does offer one question. Is a person defined by what he thinks, or is a person what he chooses to say? I would imagine that almost all of us dont say what we think more often than saying what we really do think. Since we have been brought up to be respectful of others, to be polite, we often lose ourselves in it. We turn into someone who we really are not. We think something, and we say something else. And the facade remains intact till we remain. Unless you get a disease like that!  

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