Monday, March 15, 2010

The second world war

History, when read voluntarily, is fascinating. Be it the history of finance or of human civilization.

I am currently going through a marvelous National Geographic feature on the Second World War. Though I have come across several dates and several broken accounts of the war, this one seems to promise the most. The series is appropriately named - Apocalypse, The second world war.

The account is quite simply put. Hitler comes to power in 1933 and slowly gains the confidence of the masses. Around the beginning of 1939, he annexes Austria, alarming the British and the French. However, they don't react. Then, he moves towards Chezkoslovakia. Tired by the first world war, Britain and France accept his move demanding that he stop there. However, Hilter had other plans. During the 1st World War, Germany had been split into two, to allow Poland to gain access to the sea. Hilter joins the two parts together, by conquering that part of Poland in September 1939. He assumed that Britain and France would not mind it too much. His mistake! France and Britain declare war on Poland a few days after. This is when the cat gets out of the bag pretty much.

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