Tuesday, April 20, 2010

To smoke after a month

The wireless has started working, the wireless has started working! For more than a week, the inefficient IT department of ISB relegated us to the corner of our rooms to check our emails and catch up on news. 

For me, that is not possible. I need my space and the freedom to sit wherever and read. To be asked to go sit in a corner is almost like being punished! That too with about 600 new people around, you really don't want to be the guy who sits in his room all day long. 

I am glad to be back and glad to be writing. The absence of a mobile laptop allowed me to get back to cartooning though which is good. I look forward to posting the art on the blog.

Oh, this feels so nice :)

1 comment:

Aathira Nair said...

Okie... so now we know that one of the best B schools in the country has pathetic IT