Monday, June 20, 2011

Evenings (contd.) ....

I am sorry. I am on a bus back to my home city of the near future and I cant let go of the topic so easily.

So. What else does one do to pass the countless hours that he gets of spare time? One of them, in his last innings, he had discovered was to spend time with family. The experience is mentally very relaxing and certainly doesn't leave you with the guilt that pursuing some of the other pasttimes may give you. But then, you need to be lucky enough to be in a city where you find some family close by. It is typically not the case :(

There are some who are avid talkers. The absence of the person in flesh does not deter them either. These people spend time talking to others, geography and continent no barrier, over the phone or through skype and chat. And any reasonable, normal person (to which set, unfortunately this bachelor does not belong to) would typically have a set of good friends who love conversation over digital medium. So that is another activity that can be pursued.

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