Friday, June 24, 2011

Naive ..

Oh I wish I could be young and naive again.

I wish I could listen to my national anthem and feel pride at being an Indian. But I dont. I reflect and realize that its just a country like many others. I reflect and realize that patriotism is a ruse to keep a society involved and controlled. People who know better, if they could, would sell the country and go live in luxury somewhere else.

I wish I could pray and feel pride in being a Hindu. I dont. I realize that it too is just a religion like several others. It too is a medium to keep society in check. Priests, rich pundits and others who know better, will sell off amulets and promises of happiness (Sri Sri Sai Baba). People who know better will sell yoga and move into politics thereafter.

I haven't paid my road tax in AP yet. So every traffic policeman is a potential problem. However, I wish I could beleive in the system and respect the law believing that each traffic policeman feels pride in upholding the law. But I know better. Poor salaries, cheap living and a pestering family is what a policeman returns home too. Is he stopping my car to uphold the law? Are you kidding me? He just wants to get those 200 bucks off me and let me go.

I wish I was more naive ....

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