Is it just his continent? Is our 'sub' continent different? I am accused to be a romantic? I romanticize poverty. Do I?
I feel trapped. Trapped by my skills - or the lack of them. A consultant by training. What good are these skills? How can I use them to help someone? A doctor, now he has some skills. What do I pursue. What skills do I need to help others? Communication, passion, hardwork? Only if for a cause. I know I can work hard .... but for a cause. What is that cause? How much do I earn? For whom do I earn? Do I save and distribute? No. My time is much more important. I should donate my time.
I am trapped. Trapped in this country. In this city. Should I just go back? What to do when I do go back? Is there a plan? How can I help them? Work where. How do I find a job where I have time. But I need a plan. A very different plan. Something that no one else can help me with. Where do I start. Who do I talk to?
Is it just momentary? Is there a job out there which will satisfy me? Without helping others? Is all that I want is a busy day .. day after day? Will I be happy if I cant decide my work? Do I question everything? Wait for recommendations. Kiss ass for recommendation! Dont anger the superiors! I dont care. Anglo-saxon pleasure seekers. Viruses on the face of this planet. Sad, pathetic souls.
1 comment:
Now I really think maybe you should be returning..
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