Monday, February 8, 2010

Shiny Swanky Malls

Voo Hoo,

I am free enough to attempt to put some words on my screen.

Living in Pune makes me miss Delhi.

Maharashtrians are nice, unpretentious people. At least, the previous generation was much more than the present one. Give a Marathi lady her gold mangalsutra, a pair of nice earrings and gold bangles and she will be content with her conventional sari and attire. Very few of them branch out to wear ill-fitting jeans and tight tops in an attempt to catch up to the 'modern' style of dressing. However, what may appear to be a good attitude to have has its own downsides. For me, the downside is that these 'maushi(s)' (the equivalent of Aunties here) spoil the look and feel of the swanky, shiny malls and shops they frequent. Everything about malls is meant to be attractive and enticing. They entice people to come, look around and eventually get sucked into one shop or the other. But, the people themselves, as they cross the glass doors, become a part of the mall. So while in Delhi, the well dressed folks add value to the surroundings, in cities such as Pune, they bring down the fanciness by a few notches.

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