Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My external worth

I have been the victim of a spate of thefts in the office recently. First, I lost my sunglasses. By the time I recovered from that loss, my earphones went missing. I am trying to get to the bottom of it, but I am not very hopeful of the outcome.

These events made me realize that our average worth, based on what he wears daily, is pretty high. It might be an interesting exercise to do a quick estimate of your worth, i.e the worth of what you wear daily. Forget the depreciation to make it easy. For me, a couple of days back, the estimate would have been as follows:

Shirt/ Kurta = 340/-
Jeans = 2500/-
Watch= 2000/-
Earphones= 1000/-
Iphone= 25,000/-
Boots= 5000/-
Socks= 40/-
Wallet= 500/-
Sunglasses= 3500/-

Total= 39,880/-

Imagine walking naked with a that much money in your hand.

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