Sunday, February 28, 2010

Meaningless conversations

There is a channel called 9XM. It is a good channel. It plays current Hindi music videos. However, the videos are interspersed with short clips of characters that the channel has come up with. They seem to serve no purpose other than separate successive songs from each other.

But the nature of content that these characters talk about is abysmal. Some of them say out front to not think but just listen to what they have to say. Why? Because they have nothing meaningful to say. One character, a slimy slob, has conversations with another one of its kind which ultimately leads to one of them yelling 'bakvaas band kar'. What is the point of having such a video? There are no promotional ads featured on the screen while this video runs. So ad revenues are definitely not the reason for them. I kind find any rational reason why a channel would feature such kind of meaningless content. And the absence of a rational reason makes me speculate that the video is just a representation of commonplace humor/conversation to change the flow of the music. That makes me sad... There is too much money and time going around and we, as a generation don't use it to talk sense... God help the next generation...

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