Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Give away a few bucks

Give away a few bucks to the poor once in a while. We have been taught since childhood to oppose begging. "They should try and earn a living", is what is commonly suggested. But who offers jobs to the poor? Are they so easy to come by? Where does a product of an unjust, ill-managed, tottering education and social system get employed? The only avenue of work would be to start a small business, selling things to begin with. But how easy is that to secure? To the budding entrepeneurs I ask - is setting up a business that easy? I wouldn't think so. Maybe the beggar makes more of a profit begging that selling wilted flowers at a traffic signal that no one buys anyway. Shouldn't he go with the 'profession' that gives him a little more dough?

I don't think most beggars are organized in syndicates as movies such as 'traffic signal' suggest them to be. I think many of them would use the money themselves. Yes, they may go and buy some cigarettes from it. So what!? Why do they have to be burdened by our expectations for them to go buy 'parle-g' biscuits. We make stupid decisions with our money. Give away a few bucks and let them make their own judgements. Allow the poor to be human.

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