Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wasted Years

I was wondering. 40 years back, salaries were low, progress was less and there was little to go around. However, the number of kids you had was alarmingly high. There may be exceptions but in general, people used to have 5-6 kids at least. Where did they get the money to support them?

We argued that lives were 'simpler' and people spent less outside. They cooked at home, spent time at home, at parks and other places where spending money was not necessarily part of the equation. With that kind of a 'safe' lifestyle, Looking back, compared to present day hustle and bustle, things do seem idyllic and relaxed. Who wouldn't want those days back?

However, the counter-argument is that the days when the majority of the country was enjoying this idyllic existence, partly because they didn't have the money to explore, learn and innovate (due to the expenses of raising 6 children), the developed world was doing exactly that. The computers, the science and the innovation was not happening here, but there. Anyone who has had any experience in experimentation will agree that it takes some risk and money. With a close-to-the-chest balance of money, there was no money to spend thus.

Wasted years :(

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