Saturday, February 13, 2010


I am interning in a non-profit for the experience. Part of the experience is a very modest stipend I get for work done. Though I am guilty of living in an expensive part of town, I stay in a small room in a PG to keep my costs down. I don't mind the room but its definitely not a place I would invite friends over (quiet simply, there isn't enough place to sit anyway). Along with the PG, comes the free company of a flatmate.

He is a straight-forward simple fellow. However, what is amusing yet disturbing about him is his ill-informed perspective on almost every other topic that comes up in casual conversation. He is a sales rep by profession, which may explain his confidence in everything he says, but the gross inaccuracy in knowledge is just pathetic. A few examples of his words of wisdom are as follows: "So Sumit, what is this H1N1 visa that you need to work in the US", "I dont like sugar with saunf, I like Misri, because it is good for your haemoglobin", "Enemy at the Gates is set at the time of the cold war (since they is so much snow in the movie)" and "Mr. Musharaff, Sheikh Hasina, Imran Khan were leading lights of Pakistan"

Now I don't really care how people live their lives and how much they learn. But if this is the state of graduates in our country, then its definitely not good. I can see how his ignorance will continue this way for years to come considering a very hectic, meaningless job that occupies his day from morning to night. Then eventually he will get married to a girl as ignorant as he is, spawning children who will look up upon them for guidance and opinions in their formative years. They will grow, biased and confused and the cycle will continue ...

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